Third-party Integration¶ Integrating Vietnamese E-invoices Viettel S-invoice Module Installation Integration Configuration Step 1: E-invoice Service Step 2: Declaration of Serial/Template/Type of E-invoice Declaration of E-invoice Type Declaration of E-invoice Template Declaration of E-invoice Serial Step 3: Configuration on Customer Invoice Journal Issuing E-invoice Step 1: Confirm Draft Invoice Step 2: Create and Sign E-invoice Step 3: Download E-invoice Step 4: Send the Invoice to the Customer Adjusting Reduced E-invoice Canceling Issued E-invoice Step 1: Cancel the Issued E-invoice Step 2: Cancel the invoice on the internal system Synchronize E-invoice Status Bkav Ehoadon Module Installation Integration Configuration Step 1: E-invoice Service Step 2: Declaration of Serial/Template/Type of E-invoice Declaration of E-invoice Type Declaration of E-invoice Template Declaration of E-invoice Serial Step 3: Configuration on Customer Invoice Journal Issuing E-invoice Step 1: Confirm Draft Invoice Step 2: Create E-invoice in Pending Status Step 3: Sign and Issue E-invoice Step 4: Download E-invoice Step 5: Send the Invoice to the Customer Adjusting Reduced E-invoice Canceling Issued E-invoice Step 1: Cancel the Issued E-invoice Step 2: Cancel the invoice on the internal system Synchronize E-invoice Status VNPT VN-invoice Module Installation Integration Configuration Step 1: E-invoice Service Step 2: Declaration of Serial/Template/Type of E-invoice Declaration of E-invoice Type Declaration of E-invoice Template Declaration of E-invoice Serial Step 3: Configuration on Customer Invoice Journal Issuing E-invoice Step 1: Confirm Draft Invoice Step 2: Create and Sign E-invoice Step 3: Download E-invoice Step 4: Send the Invoice to the Customer Adjusting Reduced E-invoice Canceling Issued E-invoice Step 1: Cancel the Issued E-invoice Step 2: Cancel the invoice on the internal system Synchronize E-invoice Status E-commerce TikTokShop Integration Setting Up the TikTokShop API Connection Step 1: Log in and Create a Partner API Account on TikTok Shop Step 2: Create a Personal Profile and Verify Seller Identity Step 3: Create an API App Step 4: Link the Created App with the SotaERP System Synchronizing TikTokShop Orders with the System Synchronizing Products from TikTokShop to the System Synchronizing Products from the System to TikTokShop Zalo Zalo OA Setup Account Zalo Application Zalo Application Setup Zalo OA User Guide