Challenges that packaging manufacturers have to face off
As a packaging manufacturers, you have to face off plenty of problems everyday such as:
- How to deal with lack of material
- Arise of material cost
- Lack of information about production
- Late delivery
- Hard to control quality of every process in the production lines
- Various types of products
- Hard to calculate exactly production cost, margin
- Complicated production procedures
From these problems, we have been developing a solution for packaging manufacturers to manage their production more effectively.
What does ERP solution cover?
Sales and other activities
Quotations and sale orders
Easy to create quotations and convert them to sale orders
Manage all your clients' importation and your sale opportunities
Website builder
Build a beautiful and professional website with powerful tools
MRP, Inventory and manufacturing
Schedule your production and material requirements
Define BOMs, production zone, monitoring production process
Inventory in real time, quick action with barcode
Human resources
Employee, payroll...
Employees' information and contracts
Create payroll automatically
Automate approval process
Finance & account
Issue and manage invoices
Manage accounts with full reports
Create and approve expenses
Quotation but not just a quotation!
Everything you need to create a quotation for your customers:
- Customer's information
- Quotation's information
- Product status, product pricing, product cost, margin
- Approve quotation
- Send by email to customers
- Customer can sign e-quotation online
- Convert to sale orders, manufacturing orders and delivery orders
- Create invoices
Thanks to integration between every modules, you can have every information you need to quickly create a quotation without having to ask other departments. That will save time and arise your customers' experience

We know deep down that packaging manufacturing is one of the most complicated production process which includes plenty of small procedures to create final products. Even, the process is not similar from this type of product to another.
Let's see how we deal with that!

Production process and BOMs
To deal with complicated products, the very first important step is to define exactly production process and their bills of materials.
- Define over all production process for final products and semi-finished products
- Define all raw materials
- Define all production process and production zone (Who will occupy what process)
Sale Orders -> Manufacturing Orders
ERP is an integrated system that can help you automate your process from one department to another without manual operation and talks.
Once the quotation is confirmed by your customers, you can validate it can convert it to a sale order. At this moment, the system will create a delivery order, a purchase order or a manufacturing order based on inventory status of products in your quotation.

Delivery order
A delivery order will be created once the quotation is confirmed. You can see the requirement of the delivery order and the inventory status. When every product in the delivery order is ready, you can execute the shipping action by just scanning barcode on products.Discover Inventory

Purchase Order
A Purchase order is created if required raw material for manufacturing is not available on your stock or under minimum stock.
You can send request for quotation to your vendors through system and confirm PO. It will also create a input receipt for raw materials.

Internal transfer
Raw materials and semi-finished products will be transfer internally in your company during production. These internal transfer orders can be created automatically in the system.
Manufacturing Order
Manufacturing orders are created when finished products in your stock are not available for delivery. They can be created by master schedule planning that you plan before. In the managements view, you can see MO by day, material status, MO status, timing and other necessary information.
You can click through to view detail of a manufacturing order

Manufacturing plan by work orders
As a manager, you can see every work orders that in under production, ongoing, in the future by this Gantt chart.

Manufacturing plan by work stations
You can also view work orders by work stations to know at that moment which stations are on duty, which is not so that you can have adjustment to maximize your resources.
Beside sale orders, you can also schedule production plan by time to make sure that you have enough products for your customers, especially for close customers whom you will supply regularly. By that way, you can also estimate necessary materials for production without being passive.
By using dynamic charts and analysis in the system, you can know exactly your business to give decision regarding material purchasing, machine repair...
Packaging is becoming one of the most important supporting industries of Vietnam in upcoming years thanks to many free trade agreement that Vietnam has been a participant and changes in world wide supply chain. Vietnamese packaging companies have great opportunity to boost their business.
Unleash your growth potential
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