What can Clinic management software do for your business?
Are you managing an hospital/clinic?
Clinics have been popular with patients with minor ailments and also for certain specialties. They provide easy access to healthcare without having to go to hospitals. For a visit with a dentist or an ophthalmologist, most people visit a doctor at their clinics than spend time waiting at a hospital.
Even though the number of doctors in a clinic may not be high, there is a steady stream of patients and it may not be easy to handle them. It may not be easy to maintain the records of the patients in a small-scale clinic for long durations. A clinic management software or practice management software provides a suite of functionalities that makes it easy to manage a clinic.
Troubles that a Clinic has to face off?
Managing a clinic could not be easy. You need to deal with tons of problem everyday if you don't have a lean process and a managing tool.
Here are some main pain points that you need to face off when running a clinic business:
- Too many appointments, long waiting time.
- Lose customers' data, opportunity due to not having an effective CRM.
- Lack of information between other departments due to paper or manual contact.
- Hard to store and find customers' medical records.
- Manage inventory manually.
- Use many different tools for separate process (HR, Inventory, Documents...)

Electronic medical record
Store every medical information of your customers. Easy to find, easy to consult history data.
Appointment management
Booking and managing customers' appointments. Say no to waiting time.
Prescription management
Integrated with inventory, purchase and other departments.

Book your appointment
Enhance your customers' experience with online booking. Schedule a meeting easily with favorite doctor, choose suitable time for you
More Details
Electronic medical record
Manage all your customers' information, historical medical records, health evaluation...
More DetailsEvery work in one screen
As a doctor, you can manage all your works in one screen with our smart buttons.
They are all integrated with different features of the Clinic management system. Easy to use, easy to interact with the system

Advanced features

Laboratory & Diagnostics management system
- Lab requests
- Lab tests
- Material consumption

Radiology management system
- Radiology requests
- Radiology tests
- Radiology test result imaging
- Material consumption

Pharmacy management
- Prescription based direct sale
- Medicine barcode generation
- Medicine expiry
- Medicine lot pocking

Specific management
- Odontology management
- Pediatric management
- Ophthalmology management
- Veterinary management
Beautiful Dashboard
Unleash your growth potential
No credit card required.